NextGen: Agile at 30,000 Feet


Processes, frameworks, and ways of working are all around SDLC professionals now and we are constantly bombarded with why one is better than the other. What we don’t get is an open conversation around which to use when. It is usually a one-sided conversation focused on a specific option.

In this presentation we will start with a very high-level overview of Agile as a way of working and the breakout of Agile practices based on core use. From there we will look at comparison of the Agile way of working verses the waterfall way. We will discuss pros and cons of each in different environments. Finally, we will end with a practical look at skills, mindsets, and capabilities required to get effective use out of the Agile way and which process fits specific situations.

The primary goal is to give the attendee a way to critically consider the options available to them based on the type of company they work within, the culture of that company, the skills of the team and the investment (time and or money available).

What you will learn:

Agile as a way of working, not just a practice

Different practices of Agile and their intent

Waterfall way compared to Agile, pros and cons

Decision criteria you can use to make decisions about which to use and why

Thoughts around planning your growth development based on your skills, interest and market trends


Event Details

Event Date 03-30-2021 7:00 pm
Event End Date 03-30-2021 7:30 pm
Cut off date 03-30-2021 12:00 pm
Registered 50
Available place 0
Individual Price FREE for all NCPMI members and non members
No. of Power Skills PDUs 0.5
Location Virtual Meeting – Conferencing details will be distributed prior to the meeting


David Mantica

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